Ordu City Center Map in English, Tourist Map of Ordu, Ordu City Guide

Places of Ordu

Ordu City Map

Provinces of Turkey
Map of Ordu

Ordu map is provided by Google Maps. Find where is Ordu? Find out more with this detailed interactive online map of Ordu, You can zoom in and look at streets and detailed satellite imaging.

You can see street of Ordu and detailed road maps.

The latitude and longitude of Ordu is: 40° 58' 60¨ N / 37° 52' 60¨ E (GPS Position)

GPS Coordinates of Ordu in decimal degrees ; 40.983333 ; 37.883333 (for google maps)

Give link to that map; click and copy then paste to your page
This detailed interactive online Searchable Map and Satellite View of Ordu using Google Earth Data, Ordu Latitude and Longitude Map

Map Help for Ordu

To increase or decrease the scale resolution, click on the plus (+) or minus (-) sign at the left side of the map. The scale changes so that you can home in accurately on the wanted city, town, road, place, building or street map location. Repeat several times. Select Map, Satellite or Terrain version and see the satellite photo image of the ground.

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