Otogar Metro Istasyonu Location Map, Otogar Metro Istasyonu in Istanbul area,Istanbul,European Side,Ataturk International Airport (IST) Turkey

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Otogar Metro Istasyonu Location Map

Provinces of Turkey
Map of Otogar Metro Istasyonu

Otogar Metro Istasyonu map is provided by Google Maps. Find where is Otogar Metro Istasyonu? Find out more with this detailed interactive online map of Otogar Metro Istasyonu, You can zoom in and look at streets and detailed satellite imaging.

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The latitude and longitude of Otogar Metro Istasyonu is: 41° 2' 25¨ N / 28° 53' 40¨ E (GPS Position)

GPS Coordinates of Otogar Metro Istasyonu in decimal degrees ; 41.040169 ; 28.89452 (for google maps)

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This detailed interactive online Searchable Map and Satellite View of Otogar Metro Istasyonu using Google Earth Data, Otogar Metro Istasyonu Latitude and Longitude Map

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List of places near Otogar Metro Istasyonu

Place NameApproximate Distance
Esenler Bus Terminal0.05 Km
Forum Istanbul0.56 Km
Esenler Metro Istasyonu0.66 Km
Ora arena0.72 Km
Emniyet - Fatih Metro Istasyonu0.72 Km
Kartaltepe - Kocatepe Metro Istasyonu0.93 Km
Sagmalcilar Metro Istasyonu0.98 Km
Terazidere Metro Istasyonu1.10 Km
Nisantasi University1.49 Km
Rami Station1.85 Km
Topcular Station2.07 Km
Uluyol-Berec Station2.11 Km
Sagmalcilar Tram Station2.17 Km
Gungoren M.Yahya Bas Stadium2.20 Km
Bayrampasa - Maltepe Metro Istasyonu2.25 Km
Philopatium2.42 Km
Demirkapi Station2.46 Km
Bosna-Cukurcesme Station2.48 Km
Tokat Gaziosmanpasa Stadium2.59 Km
Cevizlibag-A.O.Y. Station2.92 Km
Bagcilar Station2.93 Km
Sehitlik Station2.97 Km
Gunestepe Station3.08 Km
Ali Fuat Basgil Station3.10 Km
Gungoren Station3.12 Km
Topkapi Station3.13 Km
Soganli Station3.14 Km
Yavuz Selim Station3.17 Km
Akinclar Station3.21 Km
Panoroma 14533.26 Km
Fetihkapi Station3.30 Km
Edirnekapi Martyr's Cemetery3.30 Km
Vatan Station3.34 Km
Constantinople Walls3.35 Km
Bagcilar Olympic Sport Hall3.37 Km
Eyup Sultan Mosque3.38 Km
Merter Textile Center Station3.40 Km
Piyer Loti3.42 Km
Edirnekapi Station3.49 Km
Eyup Gondola3.49 Km
Zal Mahmud Pasha Mosque3.50 Km
Merkezefendi Cemetery3.51 Km
Merkez Efendi Station3.54 Km
Topkapi - Ulubatli Metro Istasyonu3.57 Km
Feshane International Fair Congress and Culture Center3.59 Km
Taskopru Station3.60 Km
Merter Metro Istasyonu3.60 Km
Defterdar Mosque3.62 Km
Eyup Cemetery3.63 Km
Mihrimah Mosque3.67 Km
Pazartekke Station3.70 Km
Seyitnizam Station3.80 Km
Edirnekapi, Istanbul3.88 Km
Prison of Anemas3.89 Km
Palace of the Porphyrogenitus3.90 Km
Blachernae3.90 Km
Chora Church3.91 Km
Kasim Aga Mosque, Istanbul3.93 Km
Golden Horn Bridge3.98 Km
Odalar Mosque3.99 Km
Karadeniz Station3.99 Km
Mehmet Akif Station4.00 Km
Sutluce, Istanbul4.00 Km
Halic Congress Center4.02 Km
Toklu Dede Mosque4.02 Km
Ayvansaray, Istanbul4.03 Km
Church of St. Mary of Blachernae (Istanbul)4.03 Km
M1A (Istanbul)4.07 Km
Tekstilkent Plaza4.07 Km
Mithatpasa Station4.12 Km
Kefeli Mosque4.13 Km
Aksemsettin Station4.15 Km
Atik Mustafa Pasha Mosque4.15 Km
Bogdan Saray4.15 Km
Capa-Sehremini Station4.19 Km
Gaziosmanpasa4.21 Km
Zeytinburnu Metro Istasyonu4.29 Km
Ahrida Synagogue of Istanbul4.36 Km
Fener Ecumenical Patriarche4.37 Km
Hadim Ibrahim Pasha Mosque4.49 Km
Balat4.51 Km
Hirami Ahmet Pasha Mosque4.51 Km
Pammakaristos Church4.52 Km
Rahmi M. Koc Industry Museum4.60 Km
Silivrikapi Ice Skating Hall4.70 Km
Bulgarian St. Stephen Church4.71 Km
Church of St. Mary of the Mongols4.71 Km
Fatih4.71 Km
Kirmizi Minare Mosque4.72 Km
Metris Station4.73 Km
Phanar Greek Orthodox College4.74 Km
Mayor Synagogue, Istanbul4.77 Km
Findikzade Station4.87 Km
Karaite Synagogue (Istanbul)4.88 Km
Balikli Greek Hospital4.92 Km
Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople4.95 Km
Maalem Synagogue4.96 Km
Church of St. George, Istanbul4.96 Km
Church of St. George4.98 Km
Fenari Isa Mosque4.98 Km
Koca Mustafa Pasha Mosque4.99 Km
Yavuz Selim Mosque5.00 Km

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