Carsi Station Location Map, Carsi Station in Istanbul area,Istanbul,Asian Side Turkey

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Carsi Station Location Map

Provinces of Turkey
Map of Carsi Station

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The latitude and longitude of Carsi Station is: 40° 59' 27¨ N / 29° 1' 34¨ E (GPS Position)

GPS Coordinates of Carsi Station in decimal degrees ; 40.990936 ; 29.026096 (for google maps)

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List of places near Carsi Station

Place NameApproximate Distance
Shaft (club)0.16 Km
Altiyol Station0.27 Km
Kadikoy Port0.28 Km
Caferaga Sports Hall0.29 Km
Iskele Camii Station0.35 Km
Sureyya Opera House0.39 Km
Bahariye Station0.41 Km
Turkbalon0.45 Km
Rasimpasa0.47 Km
Kadkoy-IDO Station0.51 Km
Moda0.54 Km
Damga Sk.Station0.57 Km
Kilise Station0.57 Km
Moda Iikokulu Station0.74 Km
Muhurda Station0.75 Km
Moda Station0.79 Km
Haydarpasa Terminal0.86 Km
Istanbul Haydarpasa Station0.87 Km
Sukru Saracoglu Stadium0.87 Km
Sogutlucesme railway station0.87 Km
Kadikoy Inciburnu Feneri0.96 Km
Istanbul Sogutlucesme Station1.00 Km
Tepe Nautilus1.04 Km
Haydarpasa Cemetery1.15 Km
Fenerbahce Semih Bayulken Rowing Facilities1.22 Km
Moda Quay1.25 Km
Istanbul Kiziltoprak Station1.50 Km
Kadikoy1.72 Km
Florence Nightingale Museum1.80 Km
Kalams and Fenerbahce Marina1.94 Km
Selimiye Barracks2.08 Km
Istanbul Feneryolu Station2.20 Km
Ataturk High School of Science, Istanbul2.23 Km
Karacaahmet Cemetery2.24 Km
Marmara University2.37 Km
Beykent University2.37 Km
Marmara Region2.41 Km
Sakirin Mosque2.47 Km
Council of Hieria2.47 Km
Galatasaray Kalamis Facilities2.52 Km
Fenerbahce cape and lighthouse2.53 Km
Fenerbahce2.59 Km
Fenerbahce Lighthouse2.59 Km
TVF Burhan Felek Sport Hall2.63 Km
TVF 50th Anniversary Sport Hall2.69 Km
Kara Ahmet Pasha Mosque2.93 Km
Atik Valide Mosque3.10 Km
Cinili Bath3.23 Km
Capitol Shopping Center3.53 Km
Capitol Mall3.54 Km
M4 (Istanbul Metro)3.57 Km
Goztepe railway station3.63 Km
Goztepe3.63 Km
Ayse Sultan Fountain3.64 Km
Istanbul Goztepe Station3.66 Km
Uskudar American Academy3.78 Km
Maiden's Tower3.82 Km
Ahirkapi Feneri3.82 Km
Yeni Valide Mosque3.88 Km
Ozyegin University3.96 Km
Rum Mehmed Pasha Mosque3.97 Km
Cankurtaran railway station3.98 Km
Hodegon Monastery3.99 Km
Marmaray4.00 Km
Eurasia Tunnel4.00 Km
Istanbul Cankurtaran Station4.01 Km
Semsi Pasha Mosque4.07 Km
Mihrimah Sultan Mosque (Uskudar)4.08 Km
Fountain of Ahmet III4.10 Km
Istanbul Toy Museum4.11 Km
Bagdat Avenue4.14 Km
Istanbul Sehir University4.19 Km
Fountain of Sultan Ahmed III4.23 Km
Sultanahmet Jail4.23 Km
Fountain of Ahmed III4.23 Km
Gulhane Park4.23 Km
Hagia Irene4.25 Km
Erenkoy Girls High School4.25 Km
Topkapi Palace4.26 Km
Topkapi4.27 Km
Column of the Goths4.30 Km
Mosaic Museum4.31 Km
Hotel Yesil Ev4.31 Km
Arasta Bazaar4.32 Km
Uskudar4.33 Km
Historic Areas of Istanbul4.34 Km
Sogukcesme Sokagi4.37 Km
Istanbul Archaeology Museum4.38 Km
Augustaion4.38 Km
Hagia Sophia (Istanbul)4.38 Km
Blue Mosque4.40 Km
Great Palace Mosaic Museum4.41 Km
Sarayburnu4.41 Km
Tiled Kiosk4.42 Km
AFM International Independent Film Festival4.42 Km
Great Palace of Constantinople4.42 Km
Chalke4.42 Km
Church of the Virgin of the Pharos4.42 Km
Sultan Ahmed Mosque4.44 Km
The Million Stone4.45 Km
Milion4.45 Km
Basilica Cistern4.46 Km
Zeynep Sultan Mosque4.47 Km
Boukoleon Palace4.47 Km
Caferaga Medresseh4.48 Km
German Fountain4.50 Km
Tomb of Sultan Ahmet I4.51 Km
Fethi Pasa Korusu4.51 Km
Le Arts Turcs4.52 Km
Pudding Shop4.52 Km
Palace of Daphne4.53 Km
Old City4.53 Km
Byzantium4.55 Km
Sultanahmet4.55 Km
Hippodrome of Constantinople4.56 Km
Haseki Hurrem Sultan Hamami4.56 Km
Baths of Zeuxippus4.56 Km
Obelisk of Theodosius4.57 Km
Firuz Aga Mosque4.58 Km
Serpent Column4.58 Km
Hippodrome4.59 Km
Serpentine Column4.59 Km
Walled Obelisk4.60 Km
Erenkoy4.60 Km
Ottoman Porte4.61 Km
Little Hagia Sophia Bath4.63 Km
Ibrahim Pasha Palace4.64 Km
Gulhane Station4.64 Km
Sultanahmet Station4.64 Km
Turkish and Islamic Arts Museum4.65 Km
Dogan Holding4.65 Km
Koc Holding4.65 Km
Palace of Antiochos4.65 Km
Vehbi Koc Foundation4.66 Km
Cardakli Bath4.68 Km
Cistern of Philoxenos4.71 Km
Basketmakers' Kiosk4.72 Km
Istanbul Erenkoy Station4.77 Km
Cagaloglu Hamami4.77 Km
Sokollu Mehmet Pasha Mosque4.82 Km
Yedikule Fortress4.82 Km
Walls of Constantinople4.82 Km
Theodosius Cistern4.84 Km
Orient Express Railway Station4.85 Km
Little Hagia Sophia4.88 Km
Sirkeci Metro Istasyonu4.89 Km
Istanbul Sirkeci Terminal4.90 Km
Istanbul High School4.98 Km
Cemberlitas Bath4.98 Km
Eminonu Pier4.98 Km
Optimum Shopping Mall4.99 Km
Sirkeci5.00 Km © 2004 - 2024 Turkey City Guide